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Tracking Your Fitness Progress Impacts Motivation & Health

Did You Know / Oct 26, 2023 / Comments

The realm of fitness and health has witnessed a digital revolution over the last decade. One of the most significant innovations to emerge is fitness tracking. These wearable devices and smartphone apps have transformed the way people approach their fitness routines. More than just trendy gadgets, fitness trackers are powerful tools that can impact motivation, health, and fitness outcomes significantly. Not only that, nowadays, tracking your fitness progress has become easier than ever!


Due to the advancement and widespread use of wearable devices, wireless communication, and cloud computing, self-tracking gadgets have evolved beyond mere data collection. They can now process this data, distilling it into crucial performance metrics and generate visual representations of this information.

The Motivation Boost
One of the most immediate benefits of fitness tracking is the motivation it offers. These devices provide real-time data on your activities, from step count to heart rate and even sleep patterns. This data serves as a constant reminder of your goals and achievements, motivating you to stay active and push your limits. The concept of ‘gamifying‘ fitness, where you aim to achieve specific targets and beat your own records, adds an element of fun and challenge to your workouts. This gamification factor, coupled with the social aspect of sharing your progress with friends and fitness communities, keeps you accountable and driven.


Regarding fitness tracking and motivation, Rockmann & Gewald (2019), and Hamari et al. (2018), identified individual variances and observed that various motivational features like self-tracking, gamification, and social networking functionalities assist users in achieving their objectives.
Fitness Tracking
Its Impact on Health

Beyond motivation, fitness tracking can have a profound impact on your health. It helps you gain a better understanding of your body’s needs and responses to exercise. Tracking your heart rate during workouts can ensure you’re exercising in the right intensity zones, optimizing cardiovascular benefits while minimizing the risk of overexertion. Monitoring your sleep patterns can lead to improved sleep quality, essential for recovery and overall well-being. Additionally, some fitness trackers can keep an eye on your stress levels, reminding you to incorporate relaxation techniques into your daily routine.

Additionally, self-tracking shows promise in the management of chronic illnesses and rehabilitation. Goal-oriented self-tracking can empower individuals across various health stages, aiding in chronic condition management (Schroeder et al., 2019). Mishra et al. (2019) investigated the impact of tracking apps and technologies on patients dealing with Parkinson’s disease. Furthermore, Vogel et al. (2017) presented compelling evidence supporting the beneficial influence of self-tracking technology on a patient’s cardiovascular health.

Customisation & Progress Tracking

Fitness tracking is highly customisable. You can set goals that match your fitness level and gradually increase them as you progress. For beginners, this means setting achievable targets to establish a fitness routine. For advanced athletes, it means pushing boundaries and ensuring consistent progress. The ability to track your progress over time is invaluable. You can analyze historical data to identify trends and make informed adjustments to your fitness and nutrition plans.

Many athletes and coaches are adopting an increasingly scientific approach to crafting and overseeing training programs. They make adjustments to training loads at different points in the training cycle, strategically increasing or decreasing fatigue based on the phase of training. It’s crucial to ensure that fatigue is carefully managed to facilitate both training adaptations and peak performance in competitions (Pyne & Martin, 2011). Monitoring training load offers a scientific basis for understanding performance changes. These data enable not only a retrospective examination of the relationship between load and performance but also informed planning of training loads and competition monitoring. This approach also serves as a tool to mitigate the risk of injury, illness, and non-functional overreaching (Skarbalius et al., 2019).

If your interested in tracking your fitness progress, check out our product review of the Amazfit Bip Pro Series.

The Role of Nutrition
Food Logging Tablet

Fitness tracking is not limited to physical activity. Many apps allow you to log your food intake, creating a comprehensive picture of your health. Tracking what you eat can reveal patterns and help you make healthier choices. Many fitness tracking apps allow you to log your daily food intake. By monitoring your calories consumed and burned (through exercise), you can ensure you maintain a calorie deficit (if weight loss is your goal) or a calorie surplus (if muscle gain is your goal). For athletes or those with specific dietary needs, tracking macros (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats) ensures you’re fueling your body optimally.

In a 49-week weight loss program, participants who consistently tracked their dietary intake for over 228 days out of a possible 343 days lost a significant amount of weight. Those who tracked between 114 and 228 days did not achieve significant weight loss (Ingels et al., 2017). The key predictor for successful weight loss was consistent tracking for at least 5 days a week. This study builds upon previous research done by Boutelle & Kirschenbaum in 1998, demonstrating that continuous tracking is not only effective but also sustainable for achieving long-term weight loss success, extending its benefits over a year-long period.

You Don't Have to Take our Word for It, Trust Science!

Research has demonstrated the positive impact of fitness tracking technologies on boosting users’ physical activity levels, motivation, and health monitoring. For instance, the use of fitness trackers can elevate the amount of moderate-to-vigorous activities and goal-directed pursuits (Jin et al., 2020).

In a study published in the journal of sports medicine and physical fitness, 78 university students volunteered to participate in an investigation assessing the effects of using fitness apps on their attitudes and behaviors related to physical activity. Participants were randomly assigned to either use a fitness app for two weeks or placed in a control group. Data was collected over a semester, involving questionnaires and self-reported step counts. The results showed that those who used fitness apps exhibited more favorable attitudes and a stronger sense of control over their healthy activities compared to the control group. They also reported engaging in more physical activity. These findings suggest that mobile fitness apps can positively influence individuals’ attitudes and motivations for healthy activities, such as daily walking (Gabbiadini & Greitemeyer, 2018).

Through an examination involving 970 American adults, it was discovered that the opportunities presented by technology notably boosted people’s feelings of independence, capability, and connection. Consequently, this resulted in heightened involvement with and utilization of fitness trackers (Zhou et al., 2021).

In another study, information was gathered from 411 individuals employing self-tracking fitness technology in South Africa via an online survey. The findings indicate that the accomplishment and social aspects embedded in self-tracking technology play a role in fulfilling the needs for competence and relatedness. Meeting these needs leads to heightened levels of self-driven motivation and enhanced user well-being (Jones et al., 2022).

Dubey (2019) gathered responses from a diverse set of 31 participants across various age groups regarding their utilization of fitness trackers, the results are as follows:

Fitness Tracker Weight Loss
Fitness Tracker Physical Activity
Fitness Tracker Eating Habits
The Takeaway

In the digital age, fitness tracking has become a cornerstone of many people’s health and wellness journeys. It offers motivation, health insights, customization, and the opportunity to manage not just your workouts but your overall lifestyle. Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or someone looking to make healthier choices, a fitness tracker can be your reliable companion on the path to better health and fitness.

Embrace the power of fitness tracking, and watch how it transforms your motivation, health, and fitness journey for the better. Your body, after all, is the most sophisticated machine you’ll ever own; it deserves the best care you can provide.

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